Spring-Clean... in the Summer.


As I started this blog in the Spring, it's never had the opportunity to go through a 'Spring-Clean' so to speak. I basically had the idea for the blog and put it together in a night, so it's layout has always been a little slap-dash. So, as builders are currently rebuilding our garden fence meaning I am unable to sit outside in this glorious weather (Boo-hoo! :() I thought I'd give the blog a little sprucing up. It's nothing fancy, just a quick re-fresh! I will truly re-design the blog when the weather is awful again and I have hours to waste on Photoshop, but for now I thought this was a nice change and reflected a bit more of the 'diary' aspect of this lifestyle blog. 

So I hope you like the new look!

Now get back outside and enjoy that sun.. I know I'm going to!*

*Not in my own garden of course (damn builders!) but what better excuse for a good walk right?

Until next time..



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