April Favourites
As it is now the last day of April, what better time to review my favourite products of the month just gone! I went on a bit of a product-spree this month, hence lots to review! So lets get this show on the road...
First up is everybody's favourite...Rimmel Apocalips! I've been wanting to try this lip lacquer for quite a while, so imagine my joy when I came across it on 3for2 at Boots! I've been looking for a dark shade, but wanted something with a little extra 'umph', so when I swatched Galaxy with it's dark plummy tones and touch of shimmer, I snatched it right up. Now my first impressions on use weren't all that great, mainly due to the products terrible habit of bleeding onto the teeth. I actually looked like an extra from that bleeding gums advert after my first application! Not a great look. However, after a little trial and error, I think I've cracked it and I now love it! I especially like the level of coverage it gives with such a little amount of product. It's staying power isn't fantastic, but it isn't awful either. I found priming the lips before hand really helps the lacquer grip and last. So, overall I still really like the product and would like to try it in a more nude shade. However, be for warned to always check your teeth after application to make sure you're not rocking the 'just-ate' Vampire Diaries look on the way to your big night out..
Now my surprise find of April was thanks to Boots (Again..!) and their vouchers which allowed me snap this baby up for just £2, over £4 less than the label price! I'm talking about Seventeen Doll'd Up Mascara! This was a total whim buy due to having the voucher, but I was eager to try out a new mascara after being pretty much married to Rimmel's Day2Night. Now I went for Blackest Black, but Doll'd Up also comes in Brown/Brown for a more natural look. Seventeen claim this mascara offers 'Up to 24hr curl & wide-eyed volume for doll like lashes' and I would have to agree with them! I LOVE this mascara! It curls, lengthens, it separates .. it's everything I could want in a mascara. I loved it so much that on a recent night out in Liverpool I decided to ditch the false lashes and rely soley on my Doll'd Up lashes alone. I am happy to report the mascara held up all night, and my lashes looked long and curled whilst retaining quite a natural look that I liked. Big thumbs up from me, I will definitely be re-purchasing... even at the normal £6.29 price!
Last but not least... well, to be honest I couldn't pick a favourite nail polish for this month, so I picked two! Aren't you lucky... ;) So this month I've been loving glitter and basically anything with a little sparkle. My first discovery was Discoball from Rimmel's I <3 Lasting Finish range. I was actually looking for a blue nail polish when I found this little beauty lurking at the end of the row, but when I saw it I couldn't leave it. Discoball is a clear glitter polish with flecks of silver and blue. This means it's great with blue based polish bases to add that little sparkle to an everyday look, or it's great solo. Personally I like to add it as a top coat.
My second glittered-out find was a more pre-planned affair as I desperately needed a gold glitter polish to team up with a bronze-gold base I'd applied to match an night-outfit, only to find it needed a little something extra. So after a little dash around the Tesco make-up aisle after straying from the weekly shop I stumbled upon the Vivo range and fell in love with a gold glitter polish called Glitterdome from their Flare collection. It's a standard gold glitter polish, but the flecks of gold are small enough not to over-power a base colour, but could be layered if applied alone.
And that's it my lovelies! You are now fully updated on my April favourites. I hope you have enjoyed my reviews and maybe they have inspired you to try some of products for yourselves. If you have already tried something on my list, I would love to hear your views in the comments below, or if you have any questions... ask away!
*Someone* xx
apocalips. rimmel
April Favourites
doll'd up
dream satin liquid
nail polish